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Coronavirus - Can you buy a car at a distance?

  • March 31, 2020
  • Category: blog

Up until a couple of weeks ago, this question would have been met with a tilted head, and in some cases, a look of disbelief. But then again if you’d mentioned most of us would be in self isolation, practicing social distancing when we went out or staying at home and getting down to the last roll of toilet paper - the reaction probably would have been a lot stronger. You’re crazy! And yet COVID-19 or Coronavirus if you prefer has really changed how things are done. But the team at SR Auto Traders are here to brighten up your day - because indeed, you can buy a car from the comfort of your home, both easily and risk free. For many years, we’ve been leading the market in offering in selling cars online using ‘inspections by video call’. We offer video calling via WhatsApp, Apple Facetime, Skype, Messenger, Duo, Viber and more. All you need to do is call us, tell us which car you wish to inspect, and we’ll set up your call. We will walk around your selected car - or indeed several cars - in close-up, high definition detail. You control the inspection - we just point the camera. We can show you literally every inch of the car up close. And as to the risk? Well, we will pay for independent inspections of every vehicle and where possible, we’ll also pay for freight to your home or capital city. Most of our cars have the statutory used car dealership warranty, and many qualify for extended warranties too. Our clients will have a significant safeguard in the unfortunate event of having a mechanical issue with the car. Of course, you are welcome to visit the showroom, since we are open for business. But of course, it is appointment only and we have some strict conditions to protect our staff and yourself. But isn’t it nice to know that in this time of social distancing and self-isolation, you can use technology as a tool to carry on your life with some sense of normality. Maybe one of your children has just obtained their license and you need to increase the family fleet. Perhaps you have an eye on one of our beautiful convertibles. Conceivably, one of our SUVs or four-wheel drives can help you get off the beaten track to enjoy some freedom from cabin fever when all of this is over. Bottom line, if you need a new car, give us a call and take advantage of our online services. See you on a video call soon.